Sonic Unleashed: Blood

This is a story about that one time when I went on a journey of epic proportions. I forgot what happened in it, so here's a trollpasta instead! :D

Chapter Obi-Wan Kenobi

So I was going to gamestop, and I saw a game there that made my eyes blow up, it was Sonic Unleashed! I looked at the box for a moment and saw that Sonic had blood dripping from his eyes, I thought it was a glitch and bought the game even though I already owned it. I walked home because I can and found that the game was not normal, in the opening scene, Sonic didn't use the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Sonic, he instead used... seven large onions! And he turned into a Sonic that was green and had strange ears. I thought it was a glitch and started the game, when I did, I wished I never had...

Chapter 9 + 10

21 or 19? I forgot

Chapter XXX

So I looked at the title screen and all I saw was sonic looking at Nicki Minaj but this happens all the time to me because my X-box gets really quirky all the time. I started the game and it skipped the file select screen, I said "Wtf hax i wanted to save" but the game didn't care because it hates me or something. Then the game skipped all of the cutscenes and started me in Chunan. Which is weird because Chunan is not the first place in the game. The level started and Sonic turned to the screen and shouted "GOTTA GO FEST" and ran full speed at the police. (btw there was police, pretty important). The police shot Sonic but he caught the bullets and screamed "ur 2 slo" in the police's faces, which made their skin hyper realisticly peel off. I turned off the game and went to sleep then I had a nightmare then I woke up and now I'm typing the events to you guys, should I investigate more?